Marketing and Coordination Assets
Here are some items that may help inform our manufacturers, educators, “future manufacturers”, and our ecosystem of the opportunities our Manufacturing Day affords.
And provide material to make our promoters’ “marketing” more effective and coordinated.
These can be freely used to promote our Manufacturing Day/Month.
Articles, etc. that highlighted Long Island’s Manufacturing Day
Article in Newsday 10/2/2024
Article in Newsday 10/6/2023
Front Page Business Section in Newsday 10/29/2023 (11 page pdf)
MFGDay LI Poster
Posters of use in marketing, training, Booth, etc. visuals.
A “postcard” poster for both events courtesy of Levon Graphics.
A “postcard” poster by SCCC — Back
A social media poster in Linkedin Format
Another social media poster in Linkedin Format
BOCES Workforce Development Summit social media poster in Linkedin Format
A 1080 by 1080 Four Event social media poster in Linkedin Format
Swag images
Images that show promotional items for the events.
“Branded” Shoulder Bags for both events courtesy of Crackerjack Promos.
Andy Parton’s T shirts that herald how Our Island feels about Our Manufacturing.
(contact Catherine at the Cradle)
MFGDay Book Lists for Students
National Association of Manufacturer’s material to help our “future manufacturers” understand the technology / manufacturing ecosystem generically
MFGDay LI Images
Images that may help in constructing marketing, training, Booth, etc. visuals.
An MFG Day LI square logo with shadow
An MFG Day LI square logo with shadow
I Love Long Island Manufacturing Red Heart
I Love Long Island Manufacturing Orange Heart
A Mfg Day LI logo in .psd (Adobe Photoshop) format — stored in Drive.
A Mfg Day LI logo in .jpg — formatted for circular cropping.
QR Code for Website
MFGDay LI Videos
Videos that may help in constructing marketing, training, Booth, etc. visuals. on the Manufacturing Day Long Island YouTube Channel.
A Mfg Day LI History Videos on Summary Video, LinkedIn, etc on MFGDayLI Youtube channel.
A Mfg Day LI Company and Organization Videos
A Mfg Day LI History Videos on YouTube
Video 1 2022
A generic Long Island introduction to our manufacturing Done (I believe) five years ago by WDI.
Video 2 SCCC
A Long Island introduction to our training available: A SCCC production that highlights our apprenticeship, etc. programs.
Video “Sizzler”
Cliff Chandler produced for last year, Ron Loveland labeled it “Sizzler”.
A generic Long Island introduction to our manufacturing
An SBDC(?) production that highlights that quickly talks about the 2022 event. Needs updating for year and registration information.
Map of All Manufacturing Day Locations
(Will be updated as locations for events or industry visits are finalized.)
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Our Long Island Manufacturing Day is a vibrant work in progress. Register with us to keep up to date on additions and changes.